Outline of the Gospel of Mark
What I learned from Mark is also available. I’ve noticed Mark seems to consistently highlight Jesus’ and His disciples’ conflicts with other men, particularly authorities, as well as the activity of demons and unclean spirits. If we look for this focus, I believe we find it in every chapter of Mark. It’s an interesting observation.
Jesus’ messenger John preaches a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins
John baptizes Jesus, the Spirit descends upon Him like a dove, and the Father speaks from heaven
Jesus is tempted by Satan during 40 days in the wilderness
John is arrested
Jesus begins preaching in Galilee, saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel”
Jesus calls four disciples: Simon, Andrew, James, John
Jesus begins teaching, with authority, in the synagogue in Capernaum on the Sabbath; unclean spirit recognizes Jesus and He casts it out; news about Jesus spreads around Galilee
Jesus heals Simon’s mother-in-law and then many others in the evening; He goes away to secluded place in morning to pray and then goes to other synagogues in Galilee to preach, declaring this is what He came for
Jesus heals a leper; news of Him so spreads He can no longer publicly enter a city
Mark 2 (Day 49)
Jesus heals a paralytic to demonstrate He has authority to forgive sins
Jesus calls Matthew the tax collector
Pharisees criticize Jesus for eating with tax collectors and sinners, but He explains He came to call sinners
Jesus explains that His disciples will fast when He is taken away and tells the parable of the wineskins
in answer to accusation by the Pharisees, Jesus declares, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”
Jesus heals a man’s withered hand in the synagogue on the Sabbath and the Pharisees begin to plot to destroy Him
Jesus withdraws to the sea with His disciples; crowds follow Him and He heals many; demons recognize Jesus is the Son of God
Jesus appoints His twelve disciples to be with Him, preach, and cast out demons
Jesus’ family comes to gather Him because He is so surrounded by crowds, they think He has lost His senses
scribes say Jesus is possessed by Beelzebul and Jesus explains in parable how this cannot be true
Jesus describes the unforgivable sin of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
Jesus explains that those who do God’s will are part of His family
Jesus teaches in parables: the sower and the seed, lampstand, standard of measure, harvest, mustard seed
Jesus calms the sea
Jesus heals the demon-possessed man in the country of the Gerasenes; after the demon enter swine who drown themselves, the people ask Him to leave; the healed man asks to accompany Jesus but He tells him to go give testimony of the Lord’s mercy to him
Jesus heals the woman with the hemorrhage and the synagogue official Jairus’ daughter
Jesus visits his hometown of Nazareth with His disciples, but they take offense at His teaching in the synagogue and He does few miracles there because of their unbelief
Jesus sends His disciples out in pairs to preach to men that they should repent; they also cast out demons and heal the sick
John, who had been imprisoned by Herod for telling him, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife,” is beheaded
Jesus invites His disciples to rest after busy ministry; the crowds follow, and Jesus feeds 5000
Jesus walks on the water
Jesus is welcomed in Gennesaret this time, and heals many
Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for neglecting the commandments of God for the traditions of men
Jesus declares foods clean, clarifying it is sin that makes us unclean
Jesus heals Syrophoenician woman’s daughter
Jesus heals deaf/mute man
Jesus feeds 4000
Jesus reprimands the Pharisees for seeking a sign to test Him
Jesus warns against the leaven (teaching) of the Pharisees and Herod
Jesus heals a blind man in Bethsaida
Peter makes his confession in Caeserea Philippi that Jesus is the Christ, but then gets rebuked for focusing on man’s interests
Jesus explains the call to deny ourselves to follow Him
Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James, and John, with Moses and Elijah appearing with Him, and the Father speaking from a cloud, “This is My beloved Son, listen to Him!”
the disciples cannot cast out a demon, and Jesus explains that prayer is required
Jesus explains the importance of service and humility, that those who are not against Him are with Him, the importance of not stumbling anyone or stumbling ourselves, and being at peace with one another
Jesus explains, “from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE. FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so that they are no longer two, but one flesh. What there God has joined together, let no man separate” and that divorce can lead to adultery if someone remarries
Jesus challenges the rich young ruler to leave all to follow Jesus, explaining that which is impossible with men is possible with God, and that those who have sacrificed to follow Him will be persecuted, but also rewarded in this life and with eternity
James and John ask to sit on Jesus’ right and left in His kingdom and He tells His disciples the importance of service
Jesus heals Bartimaeus from blindness in Jericho
Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey with the crowds shouting, “Hallelujah!”
Jesus visits the temple and then spends the night in Bethphage
Jesus curses and withers a fruitless fig tree
Jesus overturns the tables of merchants and money changers in the temple
Jesus explains to His disciples about a faith that will move mountains
Jesus refuses to answer the religious leaders’ questions about His authority because they refuse to answer whether John’s baptism was from heaven or not
parable of the vineyard
Jesus’ teaching on rendering to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s
Jesus’ conversation with the Sadducces regarding their misconceptions about resurrection
Jesus explains the two greatest commandments
Jesus asks how David can call the Christ Lord but He still be a son of David
Jesus warns about the religious authorities who like the public trappings of their office
Jesus observes the widow who gave all she had to the temple treasury
Jesus speaks about signs of His coming, admonishing to “be on the alert!”
Mark 14 (Day 71 & Day 72 & Day 73)
woman anoints Jesus with costly perfume
Judas arranges with chief priests to betray Jesus
Jesus celebrates the Passover with His disciples and institutes the Lord’s Supper
Jesus warns Peter that he will deny Him
Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane
Judas brings a crowd to arrest Jesus
Jesus is accused of blasphemy and sentenced to death in the court of the high priest
Peter denies Jesus three times
Jesus is delivered to Pontius Pilate, who hands Him over to be crucified
onlookers hurl abuse at Jesus
when Jesus dies, the veil of the temple is torn in two and a centurion observes that He was the Son of God
Joseph of Arimathea gets permission from Pilate for Jesus’ body and lays him in his own tomb, with the women looking on
Mark 16 (Day 76)
the women go to the tomb once the Sabbath is over and an angel tells them Jesus has risen and to go tell His disciples they will see Him in Galilee
Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, and then two other disciples as they walk in the country
the disciples do not believe these eyewitness reports and Jesus reproaches them for their unbelief when He appears to them
Jesus tells His disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.”